Feb 10, 2024 Copy Link

When I was working on a project I faced a scenario where I should generate a URL in a controller method and then pass it into the AJAX script in a blade view. So, lemme mimic this scenario with a charming example:


// web.php
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

Route::get('query', function () {
    $route = route('users.search', ['created_at' => date('Y-m-d'), 'order' => 'DESC']);

    return view('query', compact('route'));


Then we will use the `$route` variable in the AJAX script:


    $('button[name=search]').click(function() {
           type: 'GET',
           url: {{ $route }},


After that when we open the DevTool and inspect the previous script tag we will figure out that the `$route` variable is malformed and the ampersand in that query string was rendered to &amp; instead of &:


    $('button[name=search]').click(function() {
           type: 'GET',


If you click the Search button your Query string will not be executed and to resolve the previous issue, you should use {!! !!} to render the variable correctly:


    $('button[name=search]').click(function() {
           type: 'GET',
           url: {!! $route !!},


It's safe to unescape the Query string value in case you're who provided it because you will not ever inject a dangerous script but, you should mistrust the value that the application user provides because it may be a dangerous payload.


FINALLY, if you refresh the page you will notice that the variable is correctly rendered and therefore the Search button will work 🚀

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Tips Blade Templates
Mahmoud Ramadan

Mahmoud Ramadan

Mahmoud is the creator of Digging Code and a contributor to Laravel since 2020.

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