While maintaining the Digging Code, especially the Newsletter, I attempted to increment the Newsletter count and then run the `optimize:clear`
command within the Model Events but, I discovered that Laravel does not hit the Event closure, therefore, I searched about this trouble and found Dries Vints' Answer which, benefits that Laravel does not emit the Events while incrementing/decrementing for mass updates
In the beginning, lemme introduce the wrong way that I wrote:
SettingModel::where('key', 'newsletter_count')->increment('value');
To solve this issue, follow the upcoming approach:
$setting = SettingModel::where('key', 'newsletter_count')->firstOrFail();
$setting->update(['value' => $setting->value + 1]);
You can do that too:
SettingModel::where('key', 'newsletter_count')->firstOrFail()->increment('value');
You should look over the example that demonstrates this issue.