May 03, 2024 Copy Link

I faced a scenario when I was working on a project where I had to replicate the `where` clause in many places and I was getting all the users in many end-points, then I realized that I should get the active users only, you may say Yeah, it's easy, you can walk through all the sections and update the query. Hmm, I think it's not the correct solution with Laravel


I did not completely know how I could use the retrieved event method, so when I used it, I found that it always gimme a single user instance NOT a collection or a query builder instance therefore, I can not control the triggered query, only you can change whatever user attribute:


 * Bootstrap the model and its traits.
public static function boot(): void

    static::retrieved(function ($user) {
        $user->name = 'New Name';


Do not use any method of getting the data inside the `retrieved` closure or you will go into an infinite loop because it will call itself again and again.


From my point of view, the most practical solution is the Global Scope therefore, I went to use it:


 * Bootstrap the model and its traits.
public static function boot(): void


 * Get the active users.
protected static function filterUsers(): void
    if (request()->is('/api/*')) {
        static::addGlobalScope('active', function ($builder) { 
             $builder->where('active', true); 


If you do not need to use the previous scope in a specific place you can use withoutGlobalScope.

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Tips Eloquent
Mahmoud Ramadan

Mahmoud Ramadan

Mahmoud is the creator of Digging Code and a contributor to Laravel since 2020.

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